
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Guest Blogger: Chris T. Kat

Please welcome my good friend and fellow author Chris T. Kat! She's here to talk about here recent
release,  Unicorn Rescue, which I've read and which is a really cute book! Very hot too!. Make yourself at home, Chris, I've been baking! I made a baum torte, in honor of your being here! Go ahead and start while I run get it.

Chris is offering a cute coin purse to one randomly drawn commenter on this blog - just comment to win!

This is what gets to my author heart
Julie, thank you very much for the opportunity to be a guest on your blog. eXtasy books published my new release, Unicorn Rescue, on August 15th.
I always hope that my books or short stories strike a chord with readers. Sometimes that wish comes true and sometimes it doesn't. Such is life. But you know what really gets to me as an author?

1.      Reviews. Anyone who takes the time to review one of my stories is awesome in my book. Of course I like the positive reviews better than the negative ones, but I'm always grateful if people take time out of their busy lives to write a review.
2.      E-mails from people who liked a book. There's nothing better than to receive an e-mail from someone—whether I know that person somehow or not—and said person tells me how much they enjoyed my book. Often it's just a one-liner but wow, these e-mails sweeten my days!
3.      Artwork based on one of my stories. That hasn't happened with any of my published works, but did when I wrote fan fiction. I loved that! I even have a folder with the original artwork from a great artist. Her name is Mondriana ( and these are my two favorite pictures:



So, there you have it. Readers, what is it that makes you want to write a review or an e-mail to an author? Authors, what is that really gets to you?

Buy links:

A search for missing unicorns reveals a Fate that Samuel has only dreamed of before.
When they first meet, Jordan takes Samuel’s breath away—but not in a good way. Jordan knocks Samuel, a gatekeeper from a world called Eden, flat on his ass. In Jordan’s defense, Samuel did freak him out, appearing out of thin air the way he did. Luckily, the appearance of the unicorns preempts a possible fight.
Relieved to have found Eden’s unicorns, Samuel is astonished that Jordan knows about them, despite the fact that their horns have been concealed by magic. Attempting to remove the halters that bind them, Samuel is rendered unconscious.
The question now is how to get the unicorns back to Eden, as well as solve the mystery of who has stolen them to begin with. But just maybe Samuel and Jordan need to deal with this attraction between them that seems to be growing by leaps and bounds. Are their feelings tied in with the mystery of the unicorns?

“What the fuck?” Samuel groaned. After locating the unicorns on Earth, he’d opened a gate at night and stepped through it, not expecting any trouble while retrieving the unicorns.
But something had gone wrong because he found himself sprawled on the soft grass, rubbing his aching jaw. The darkness around him wasn’t absolute—a sparse scattering of stars in the sky illuminated his surroundings. As he searched for his gate, he came up empty. There had been no time to stabilize it and, annoyed, he conceded that it probably had collapsed.
“Who are you? Or should I ask what are you?”
Samuel opened and closed his mouth several times, wondering whether he needed a healer or if an ice-pack would be sufficient. He sat up and observed the man who’d knocked him to the ground. The same man he’d seen in Selina’s crystal ball.
“I asked you a question!”
“Well, it would’ve been easier to ask your question first instead of knocking me out. Just a well-meant piece of advice for next time.” Samuel hauled himself to his feet and shook his head to clear it. His jaw would sport a wonderful bruise tomorrow if he didn’t do something about it. This guy sure had a powerful fist.
“I didn’t allow you to get up!”
Samuel fixed his gaze on the man, taking stock of him. He’d seemed small in the crystal ball but that didn’t have to mean anything. Still, even in real life he came across as small but lean, with bright blue eyes that looked rather huge in his finely chiseled face. Pretty. Really pretty.
“I’m talking to you!”
“You’re not talking, you’re screaming,” Samuel said. “Scared?”
“Why would I be scared of someone who stepped out of nothingness? Although it looked like some kind of opening, which is all kinds of weird and… and… who are you?”
“I’m Samuel, nice to meet you…?” Samuel smiled and extended his hand, knowing he’d surprised the other man with his casual manner.
“Hello, Jordan. Now, how about we start again? I think we got off on the wrong foot.” Samuel clasped Jordan’s trembling hand in his. “Don’t be afraid.”
“Afraid? No, no, I’m not. I mean, why would I be? It’s an everyday thing that people show up out of thin air. Haha! See? I’m not afraid.”
“Ah, yes, I noticed how not afraid you are.”

Chris T. Kat
Chris T. Kat lives in the middle of Europe, where she shares a house with her husband of many years and their two children. She stumbled upon the M/M genre by luck and was swiftly drawn into it. She divides her time between work, her family—which includes chasing after escaping horses and lugging around huge instruments such as a harp—and writing. She enjoys a variety of genres, such as mystery/suspense, paranormal, and romance. If there's any spare time, she happily reads for hours, listens to audiobooks or does cross stitch.


Thanks for stopping by, Chris, come back again soon!


  1. Hi Chris,

    I write e-mails to an author, when I love the books or if I want to know if there will be sequels. I would never write a negative e-mail, same goes for reviews.

    1. Hi Danny,

      I'm sure the authors are very happy about your e-mails. Like you, I'd never write negative e-mails or reviews. I like to talk my friends into buying books I enjoyed. :D

  2. Hi Chris, several months ago I contributed to a live on-line chat with several different authors, bloggers and readers. We discussed the value of reviews and reader feedback and how often some feedback is so negative and non-constructive in its criticism. At that point I began to chat with an author, whose work I really enjoy, and I mentioned one of her books that I loved and she responded not many people told her that and always thought it was her forgotten book. I suppose it was then I realised I should have been brave and contacted the author before (but I never wanted to be a bother), and that such positive feedback is vital to the author. I then began friending a few authors and asking questions about their books and offering welcomed positive comments and a few then asked me to join their street gangs and beta read for them, which is more value than invalid criticisms. I also could never be negative in my feedback and I am happy to recommend I book I really enjoy.

    1. I'm sure the author loved you dearly for telling her that you love her books. I know this always makes my day, but I also get how intimidating this can be. I should send out e-mails to other authors more often but I'm usually too shy to approach them.

      It's great that you became a beta reader!
