
Monday, July 28, 2014

Virtual Book Tour: Unintentional

Please welcome author MK Harkins, who is here to discuss her latest release, Unintentional. MK will be awarding a $50 Amazon/BN GC to one randomly drawn commenter. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To find out where the other stops on her tour are, go here. Look for the rafflecopter at the end of this post.

Unintentional - Book Two in the Intentional Series
by MK Harkins



Cade, the gorgeous song man, has every reason to steer clear of commitment and train his soulful eyes, killer dimples, and sexy voice on every beauty swaying to his band. So why is it that he finds himself truly, deeply and unintentionally, fixed on the one woman who is not so easily swept away?

The sequel to Intentional, the debut romantic novel by MK Harkins, Unintentional is the heart-racing new work that follows the tangled thread of Cade in the aftermath of his heartbreak in losing the one woman he thought was his soul mate. After taking a hiatus from his job as an engineer, as well as his role in the band as lead singer, Cade reemerges in the Seattle music scene. Enter Laurel, the tenacious and determined music agent. Laurel is determined to sign him, no matter how clearly reluctant he is. Though they try to resist one another romantically, the magnetism is as immediate as it is powerful.

Unintentional offers readers an intricate, riveting story about the fraught paces of love, while also offering strains of heartwarming humor. With rich detail, authentic characters, and plenty of blood-pumping romance, Unintentional is a moving and multilayered look at how love can slip through our fingers, only to be pulled back again at the most surprising, stirring moments.



He continues his slow torture, running his fingers slowly through my hair. I close my eyes, enjoying the sensation. I hear Cade take a quick intake of breath, and I open my eyes again, to see his blue eyes boring into mine. I don’t think this will be a slow, soft kiss.

I was wrong. He links his hands into mine, placing them over my head. He leans in and starts the softest, sweetest kiss I’ve ever had. This is good—no, this is spectacular—but I want a little more. I gently nip at his lower lip. He stops suddenly, leans back, and looks at me again, studying me. I think he likes what he sees, because I’m suddenly back against the wall, all bets are off. This is not a soft or slow kiss. This one is demanding, passionate. Oh no, what did I get myself into? But right now, I don’t care. This feels so good. I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to. Wait, I do want to stop. I need to stop. But I can’t. Lord, help me, because I don’t want this to ever end.

He shifts me away from the wall, continuing the devastating kiss that is now skyrocketing out of control. His hands are rubbing up my back, into my hair, back down. Now he has hands on my upper arms, drawing me even closer.

My hands are doing their own exploring. I’ve kept all my feelings in, under wraps, for a year now, and I’m unable to hold back any longer. My whole body goes into a total meltdown.

“Stop me, Laurel.”

I meet his eyes and shake my head.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

MK Harkins is the author of the romantic novel Intentional. An avid reader, she began writing fiction when she ran out of reading selections on her Kindle. Her new novel, Unintentional, is a sequel to her first work and is based on the life of the character Cade. A business owner, Harkins spends her free time traveling, watching movies, reading voraciously, in addition to creating her own fiction. The author currently lives in Mercer Island, Washington.





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