
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Virutal Book Tour and Review: For the Bite of It

Please welcome authors Viki Lyn and Vina Grey today, here to talk about their new release, For the Bite of It. They will be awarding a $30 Amazon GC to one randomly drawn commenter. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To find the other stops on their tour, go here.  Don't forget to look for my review, at the end of this post.

For the Bite of It
by Viki Lyn and Vina Grey



VINCENT KAMATEROS is an exiled vampire making a routine living as the owner of a cupcake bakery in Arizona. Until a car with a dead driver crashes through the wall of his shop, bringing after it, All-American, closeted cop, JOHN REEDER. Smitten the instant he sees John, but bound to silence by the Vampire High Council, he can never reveal his true self to John. Detective John Reeder can’t control his attraction to the sexy Italian baker. But as addictive as the sex is, John can’t overcome his fear of rejection for being gay, and open his heart to a man with so many secrets.



How had John ended up in Vincent’s embrace?


Male and hard.

Slender muscles and sharp planes.

Vincent’s strength and restless sexual hunger, the masculine smell emanating off the man turned him on.

With a spinning head, he grabbed Vincent’s face and kissed him. Parting his lips, he allowed Vincent’s tongue to invade his mouth, the shock of his taste, coffee, a hint of wine, and something deliciously dark, intoxicating him as much as the wine he had drunk. Lips soft but firm, and experienced. Kissing a guy, this guy, felt damn good. It was a mistake but he'd enjoy it then face himself later.

“So you do it now, amante?” drawled Vincent, his tone teasing, as his lips nibbled John’s.

“Do what?” mumbled John.


Oh, hell! How did Vincent know he never kissed? He tried to push away to ask, but Vincent swept in closer, bumping him back against the wall.

“No, you don’t back away now. Sono troppo affamato per te.”

“I have no idea what you’re saying.” John muttered.

“Si. Il linguaggio dell'amore.”

If Vincent didn’t stop spouting Italian nonsense, John was going to crawl up his body and eat him alive.

“Mm. Whatever you said, it’s sexy as hell.” John slipped off his shirt, and unzipped his pants, freeing himself, finally, and surrendering to this deep need. With his control shot to hell, this once he’d enjoy heaven. Fuck his rules.

Pinned against the door, he rubbed his crotch against Vincent’s hardness then set to work on his pants. Finally they were both naked and lust rippled through him, making his knees weak.

John's whistled at the phoenix tattooed on Vincent's right shoulder blade, the wings sweeping upward in flight. “I never took you for a tat man. What’s that about?”

Vincent rubbed John’s arm. “Youthful folly. Nothing more.”

John traced the lines of the wing and kissed Vincent's shoulder. Before he could think more about it, Vincent had him in his arms, rolling on the bed. A deep chuckle rumbled in his chest but he held it in as Vincent’s kissed his…

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph…

Was his tongue on his…damn.

The dream had been fantastic but this beat any fantasy.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Viki Lyn:

What inspires me - the reality that romance between lovers is a hope more than a guarantee. My stories are an eclectic mix of contemporary and paranormal, but it is always romance that drives the story to its final happily-ever-after. There's nothing better than reading a good book over an espresso, watching a movie or trying out a new restaurant. I'm the author of several gay romances, including Last Chance, Rainbow Award winner for the Best Gay Paranormal/Horror. Viki’s website is;

Vina Grey:

Vina Grey loves writing about romance. Two people finding each other, the two-step before they get together and the happily ever after, have to be the best story ever. Throw in some paranormal elements and she's in heaven. Vampires and cops, anyone? She loves to jabber away with anyone about books, so drop her a line at Vina’s cyber home is here:



For the Bite of it    

Author: Viki Lyn & Vina Grey
Publisher: ViVi
American release date: March 20, 2014
Format/Genre/Length: eBook/ M/M Paranormal Romance/181 pages
Overall Personal Rating: ★★★★★

 Fate has a funny way of making itself felt, sometimes when we least expect it. For Vincent Kamateros, it struck the morning his landlord crashed through the window of his bakery in his car, only to be discovered to be dead. Not a propitious start to the day. But it led to the arrival of hot and sexy police detective John Reeder.

And now the complications begin—those nasty little things that like to bite you in the ass.

Vincent is not the innocuous baker he appears to be—he’s a vampire in exile for something he didn’t do. And he’s the heir apparent, oldest son of the King. But to John, he’s a complication John doesn’t need, because John is a deeply closeted gay man, who has no intention of stepping foot outside his comfortable closet anytime soon.

Plus, as if things aren’t difficult enough, Vince is a suspect in the landlord’s murder.

The attraction between them cannot be denied. But John’s doing his damnedest to do just that. Plus Vince knows better than to get emotionally involved with a human. As a vampire, it’s not allowed, but as heir to the throne? That’s just begging for trouble. But he’s never felt this way before, and these feelings are crumbling his determination. How likely is he to be forgiven and to receive his powers back? Why not live a little?

These two men dance around each other, in serious denial. And yet t hey find they cannot stay away from each other.

I absolutely loved this book, loved the sexual tension between these men. I adored Vince from the beginning—where can I find a hot sexy vampire to call my own? Bakery a plus.

The writing is great, the sex is wonderful, and the plot is filled with twists and turns, as well as secondary characters you can sink your teeth into.

There are no pat endings, either, no rushed resolution. There will be another book, and I for one can’t wait. I love the bakery and the way the authors blend food and sex in a very sensual way that is a real feast for the eyes.

Did I mention the sex is hot? It is. I could not put this down, and I thought about it when I couldn’t read it. This is a winner in my books, and I hope the next book comes out soon. I want to get back in their world as soon as possible!


  1. Who did the cover? I really like it. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

    1. HI there,
      Lex Valentine! She captured our vision perfectly!

  2. This book sound great! Thank for the giveaway!

  3. Hot excerpt, can't wait to read the whole book.
    Thanks for the giveaway.
    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  4. Oh this looks good and thanks for the giveaway.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Good Evening. Just checking in to say hello. Thank you again Julie for hosting a blog stop. Vina and I really appreciate it and the great review too. :) For some reason my comment from this morning is not here? Strange. Sorry that it didn't get posted! I will check in tomorrow morning as well to answer any questions for your readers. :) Viki

  7. I bought this book awhile ago but haven't read it yet... I have to bump it to the top of my list!
    ruralmom08 (at)

    1. Ooh Carly, please do - LOL. We loved, loved, loved writing this book.
      Cheers, Vina

  8. Gorgeous cover.


    1. Thanks, Mary. We thought so too.

    2. Good morning! Yes, we both loved the cover. It's always nerve wracking when you do a book cover because as writers, we have a mental image of our characters already formed. Usually the cover never meets our expectations, but I have to say this one did. :) And, so does book 2 - A Bite In Time, which will be released early July.

  9. a new to me fun vampire book going to add to my to be read list.
    sasluvbooks at

  10. The cover is outstanding. What beautiful colors and the desert landscape.
    strive4bst(AT) yahoo(Dot) com

  11. please count me in
