
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Guest Blogger Rob Colton

Please welcome fellow Briefer, author Rob Colton. He's going to tell us about his hot new release, An
American Lamb in Europe! Woot!  Sit back and relax, Rob. I made us something hot to drink. You go ahead and start, why don't you?

Thanks for having me today, Julie. I appreciate your support.

I’m Rob Colton and I’m here to talk about my brand new paranormal novella, An American Lamb in Europe. The book was released Wednesday, February 12th , and is available from Dreamspinner Press and all your favorite online book stores.

Since “Europe” is part of the title, I want to talk a little bit about location. An American Lamb in Europe is set in the Czech Republic, in a small city near the German border.

When I first envisioned the character of Tomas Bernhardt, I immediately thought of him as a sexy, mysterious man from Bavaria. The largest and oldest state in Germany, Bavaria is located in the southeast corner of the country. Its capital city is Munich. What drew me to Bavaria was the backdrop of the gorgeous Bavarian Alps, along with its many breathtaking castles.

But I didn’t want to set the story in Tomas’s home town, so we only get a fleeting glimpse of Tomas’s home in this book. I plan to revisit these characters in a future book—and Castle Bernhardt will play a bigger role.
With Tomas’s background set, I knew that I wanted the book to be set nearby, in the Czech Republic.

Because Jamie is searching for his missing brother, he unfortunately doesn’t get much time for sightseeing. Much of the novella takes place in a vampire nightclub, as well as an underground bunker left over from the cold war. Churches also play a big role in the book.

While Jamie isn’t particularly religious, he finds a moment of peace in the town’s small church. Churches also are used in other key points of the story. His search for Rudy leads him to an old church where he meets a French princess, and the climax of the story takes place in the catacombs located underneath the ruins of an abandoned church.

I hope you enjoy this excerpt from my novella. And thank you again to Julie for letting me borrow a bit of space!

Jamie Anderson knows you need to look before you leap, but he forgets it often enough to land in trouble. When his brother and only remaining family member disappears, he doesn’t think twice about quitting his job as a dental hygienist to travel to the Czech Republic to search for him.

Rescued by the sexy, mysterious Tomas in a small city near the German border, Jamie enlists his help in locating Rudy. Soon Jamie realizes the man knows more than he’s sharing. When Jamie demands Tomas tell him the truth, Tomas reveals he’s a vampire. Horrified the man he’s fantasized about is a monster, Jamie struggles with the fact he still needs Tomas's help to find Rudy.

Jamie never expects their search will land him in the middle of a vampire turf war.

Unable to sleep, I shoved the covers aside and got dressed. Hoping it would help me blend into the night, I dressed in black jeans and a black shirt.

Overwhelming paranoia swamped me as I walked down the street, so I stepped briskly. Every noise made me jump. I repeatedly looked over my shoulders, convinced I was being followed. Whenever I looked, there was no one there.

When I finally reached the club, it appeared to be closed. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. Apparently, I was a little too early for the undead nightlife.

I hid across the street behind the corner of a deserted building, watching.

The idle time gave my mind space to think, and I was having second thoughts. Maybe this was a bad idea. I didn’t even know if Tomas would be here. The excuses kept coming, and I was about ready to turn and go back.

Two very large men entered the nightclub together, followed a few moments later by a dozen or so stragglers, both male and female. I assumed them to be lambs. As for the two big guys…. I don’t know what they were. They didn’t look like the kind of guys who would let vampires feed off them, but what the hell did I know.

Within minutes, the club came alive. The music kicked on, and more and more people began to arrive and disappear inside. Some loitered outside for a while, smoking under the streetlamps, but the chilly weather drove them back inside quickly.

I didn’t have to wait long to see Jiri arrive, surrounded by a small group. Before going into the club, he stopped and turned around, and I swear he looked right at me. I quickly ducked around the corner.

My heart pounded in my chest. If he caught me, he would drain me. I just knew it. Did he really see me, or was I imagining it? Should I wait? Should I run? Should I peek to see if he’s still there?

“What are you doing, lämmchen?”

I bit back a scream and spun around to find Tomas standing next to me, so close I could feel his breath on my skin. His two friends stood a few yards away, watching. Where the hell did they come from, and how did they do it so quietly?

“Don’t sneak up on me like that,” I huffed in annoyance while moving a step away from Tomas.
“It looks like you are the one doing the sneaking.”

Author Bio:
Rob Colton is a software developer by day, and avid reader of romance novels at night. A romantic at heart, he loves stories that feature big, burly men who find true love and happy endings.
Rob grew up in northern Michigan and currently lives in the Atlanta area with his very supportive husband and their very spoiled miniature schnauzer.
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