
Friday, January 24, 2014

Baby it's Cold Outside!

Well, it's winter, what do I expect, right? Doesn't mean I have to like it or think about it. So I think I'm going to indulge in some warm thoughts and fantasies because frankly that sounds like a lot more fun.

So, everything being equal and no holds barred, where would be a good place to be that isn't here and cold? (The temperature was almost zero this morning when I left for work! Yipes!)

Isn't that beautiful? It's Tahiti. Hmmm, where else?

And now Hawaii.

What else? Something to drink, of course!

All right, maybe it's not tropical or fruity, but right now it sounds a whole lot better lol

Now, I think I'm lacking something else on that nice sunny tropical beach, something else hot that will help keep me warm

Gary Oldman, of course!  Hotter than hot, hot, hot!

Okay, that takes care of me on the beach rather effectively, so more hot things.

Chile ghost peppers - hottest peppers in the world!

Wow, what a combination - volcano and lightning! And very beautiful too!

Something a little less dangerous to cuddle up to, plus you can cook food on it, such as wienies and s'mores!

And now some hot things just because I can

Now if that didn't get you hot, I can't help you lol

I'm visiting with JC Wallace today and I'm talking about When Will I See You Again. See you there!

Until next time, take care!

♥ Julie


  1. Well well *fans self* Those tropical pics do nothing for me, considering my burn to a crisp in 5 minutes self, but the same cannot be said of those men. Yum! They look even more delicious than the drink! LOL

    1. I never lie out in the sun either, but I think they're pretty lol The men are damn hot, yeah, but I could definitely get lost in Gary's eyes. :)
