
Saturday, September 21, 2013

My Sexy Saturday #11: Leonardo DiCaprio is a Vampire

Happy Saturday one and all! I'm taking today's Sexy Saturday post from my book, Leonardo DiCaprio is a Vampire, which comes out with Torquere next month. And for those who may remember it from before - from the publisher who shall not be named - I've added to it with Hunter's POV.

Hunter and Fisher have been best friends forever. But Fisher feels more than that, feelings he must hide to ensure that he not lose their friendship. Could he be wrong about Hunter's lack of interest in him? Here I present to you their first kiss. Enjoy!

Don't forget to check out the rest of the bloggers here.

Fisher trembled, waiting for something to happen. He didn't have to wait long. Suddenly those beautiful lips were touching his, and then they were kissing, truly kissing. No, it wasn't Fisher's first kiss, but it was his first with a man. His only kiss with a man. And he was amazed at what a difference there was between this kiss and the others. Not because of gender, but because it was with Hunter.

He felt himself giving in to those lips, melting into that touch, with a heat that penetrated his entire body, vibrating in its intensity. Now Hunter was nibbling at his lips, soft tender kisses that shook him to his very foundation. His head was reeling, and he was on the verge of losing all sense of self when he felt the first raindrops splash upon his upturned face.