
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Dead Ever After Review

Dead Ever After   

Author:  Charlaine Harris
Publisher:  Ace Books/Berkley Publishing
American release date:  May 7, 2013
Format/Genre/Length:  Novel/Fantasy/352 pages
Overall Personal Rating: ★★★★★

Sookie doesn’t know it, but she’s in for a world of trouble, ‘cause she’s made enemies, and there are people who do not wish to become members of her fan club. More trouble than she suspects, what with Eric being pissy with her about the whole cluviel dor thing. And that getting married and moving to Oklahoma thing he’s got going on. And Sam is acting damn strange. Stranger than usual. On top of that, Arlene shows up out of the blue (wasn’t she in prison?) and tells Sookie she wants to come back to work at Merlotte’s!


Can things get any worse?

You betcha. ‘Cause it’s Sookie we’re talking about. Arlene turns up dead and Sookie gets the blame. And everyone knows Sookie was mad at her about what she tried to do. Will Sookie end up doing hard time for something she didn’t do?

We’ve always known this day was coming, and now it’s here. The last Sookie Stackhouse book. A journey begun fourteen years ago is coming to an end. And leave it to Sookie to do it her way.

There are many people who’ve grown attached to Sookie and all the other characters over the years, as well as those who love the TV series, and many who love both. And of course, when you have that many loyal readers, you’re bound to find a number of them with their own ideas as to how the series should end. But as Charlaine Harris explains at the beginning of the book, she knew she couldn’t please everyone, so she went with the plan she always had.

Personally, I never thought about it one way or another. Maybe I had my wishes of how it would work out, but I didn’t get obsessed with it. And honestly? I find her ending just right. And real. And honestly Sookie.

The last book is certainly full of what we’ve come to love in the series, as befitting a finale. Old friends and new friends, as well as a few enemies. Endings and beginnings. I can’t say I shed a tear for Arlene, considering. But I was excited to see some of the people that showed up to make their final appearances.

Sookie has to sort out how she feels about Eric and what he may or may not be about to do, plus the way the vampires are all acting toward her is confusing. She’s got Jason’s wedding to get ready for and help her brother through. Plus she’s got a murder rap to beat. And there are people who are out to get her.

There will be some who complain that the ending isn’t right. But I say it is, because it’s realistic. Sookie’s life is going to go on, even after this book. We just won’t see it.

Or will we?

Actually, there’s one more book, although not a novel. Coming out in October is After Dead, which will tell us what happens to all the characters we’ve come to love.

I loved Dead Ever After and savored every page. I think all Sookie’s fans will too. A fitting end to a wonderful series. And I can’t wait to read After Dead.

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