
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Virtual Book Tour: The Partisan's Wife

First, let me apologize for  not having posted since Friday, but we lost our power Friday night and only got it back today. I'm sorry for the two groups I was supposed to post for this weekend that I didn't make it, and also to my guest, author Kathy Fischer-Brown, who has graciously allowed me to post today instead. Also, I've not forgotten my blog hops, I'll announce the winners later this week. Kathy has answered my infamous Rick Reed questions and is going to talk about her new release, The Partisan's Wife.  She will be awarding a $20 Amazon GC to a random commenter during her tour. See the Rafflecopter at the end of the post? The more you comment, the better chance you have. For more chances to comment, go here.

The Questions
1)      You’re marooned on a small island with one person and one item of your choice—who is that person and what item do you have?

First of all, I’d be totally miserable regardless of whom I choose to be with and with only one item to take
along. I’d probably end up doing myself in. But if this scenario is only for a short duration, I could probably make do with a notebook (the spiral –bound kind). If I can’t have a pencil or pen, I’d have to make one (don’t ask how), but first I’d need to fashion some sort of cutting/scraping tool) and then find some berries to squeeze and use for ink. (I’m too squeamish to use my own blood). As for the person I’d have with me… He/she would have to be someone who can build us a shelter, provide entertainment, conversation, inspiration, and back rubs, as well as go fishing, clamming, climbing the palm trees (there are palm trees, I hope) to gather coconuts. This person could very well be my husband, but I don’t want him climbing anything. Last time he tried to prune a tree, he fell off the ladder and ended up in the hospital. Can’t have us both too badly injured before help arrives.

2)      Which musical would you say best exemplifies your life – and which character in that musical are you?

Without question. “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.” I’m Snoopy.

   3)    Take these three words and give me a 100 word or less scenario using them:  ceiling, baffling, thanks

He clung like a fly to the high ceiling above the chandeliers, baffling the dinner guests, who gaped up in wonder, vichyssoise dribbling down their chins. Thanks to the specially made adhesive, they were blind to his ploy. He had them now.

  4)    You’ve just been let loose in the world of fiction, with permission to do anyone you want. Who do you fuck first and why?

To be honest, I can’t think of a soul. I’m getting too old with too many missing parts to pull it off with any success.

5)      What is your idea of how to spend romantic time with your significant other?

Candlelight dinner at a great restaurant with a string quartet in the background. Then home for a movie and a
bowl of popcorn before my hubby falls asleep.

6)      When you start a new story, do you begin with a character, or a plot?

Usually a little of both. When I begin, I have a vague idea of what it’s about and who the characters are. As they develop and begin speaking to me, the characters invariably influence where the story goes. I usually don’t get a good grip on the characters until they are happy with their names … which is another subject entirely.

7)      Who’s your favorite horror villain and why?

I’m not a fan of the genre, so I’m sorry to say I have nothing to base an answer on.

8)      Do you have an historical crush and if so, who is it?

I wouldn’t call it a crush, but I’ve always had a deep fascination with Benedict Arnold. For a guy whose name has become synonymous with treason, he was a complex and interesting man, whose entire life filters down to his one dastardly deed. Prior to betraying his country, he was a hero of the American Revolution and was much admired and respected by the men who served under him and by his fellow officers. He was also a trusted friend of George Washington, so much that he was given the command of West Point. As a Connecticut resident, I often wonder how different the little corner of our state that was his birthplace would have been. Driving through New London and Norwich on I-95, I can’t help imagining the Benedict Arnold Rest Stop, complete with a souvenir shop, Subway, and McDonalds.

9)      If they were to make the story of your life into a movie, who should play you?

My life is too boring for the movie-going public. I’d much rather see my books made into movies or mini-series. But if Hollywood called, I wouldn’t refuse. As to who would play me, I’d like it to be multiple actors and actresses…kind of like in the Bob Dylan “I’m Not There.”

10)   Is there a story that you’d like to tell but you think the world isn’t ready to receive it?

The world has received stories and books much riskier and more outré than anything I’d ever dream up, so I’d have to say no. But I won’t let that keep me from writing.

Thanks so much for hosting me today.

by Kathy Fischer-Brown



Faced with an impossible choice, Anne Marlowe is torn between her husband’s love and the hope of her father’s forgiveness. As American forces follow up on their tide-turning victories over the British at Freeman’s Farm and Bemis Heights, Peter is drawn deeper into the shady network of espionage that could cost them both their lives.

Is his commitment to “the Cause” stronger than his hard-won love for Anne? Will her sacrifice tear them apart again...this time forever? Or will they find the peace and happiness they both seek in a new beginning?

The Partisan’s Wife follows Anne and Peter through the war torn landscape of Revolutionary War America, from the Battle of Saratoga to British-occupied New York and Philadelphia, and beyond.



Tony eyed her closely and whispered. “What if I were to give you my word of honor that I will not force you to compromise your wedding vows?”

“Do I have another choice?”

He smiled and shrugged. “You could go back inside.” By the downward cast of her eyes, her resolve faltered. “Either those red coated brutes will eat you alive, or Gerda will have your head on a platter.” He looked back anxiously at the light in the window. “Of course, you could stay here and freeze to death…. It’s up to you. I have no desire to tarry.”

“You were cheating, weren’t you?”

“Hardly the time to be self-righteous.”

“I need to know.”

“Are you coming or not?”

“I thought it was on my account that you….” She hesitated.

“You would have liked that, wouldn’t you, princess?” He raised his brow. “A sorry display of chivalry! I merely forgot myself.” He limped past her through the alley. “I’m going. I’ve neither the time nor the stomach for this insanity.”

“Wait!” She started after him, then stopped when he turned. “I’m sorry you were hurt. But I….”

“Don’t waste your pity, angel, unless you’re prepared to give me some real solace.” He smiled derisively, then, seeing her unmoved by his crude proposal, quickly changed his tone. “I’m sorry, as well. I’m in bad sorts, and it’s dammed cold, and I’m eager to put this hell hole behind me.”

She shivered violently. “Where are we to go?”

He regarded her with irritation, then spoke quickly, accenting his words with a dramatic flourish of his hand. “I am going to bed.” She winced. “You may come or you may stay. You’re free to do as you please. It’s well past curfew. If you had an ounce of sense, you’d do well not to stand there, shivering like an idiot, dressed only in your scruples.” He tore off his coat. “Here…put this on. Your state of holy wedlock won’t keep you warm on this night.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

As a child, Kathy wanted to be a writer when she grew up. She also wanted to act. After receiving an MFA in Acting and playing the part of a starving young artist in New York, she taught theater classes at a small college in the Mid-West before returning home to the East Coast where, over the years, she and her husband raised two kids and an assortment of dogs. During stints in advertising, children’s media publishing, and education reform in the former Soviet Union, she wrote whenever she could. Her love of early American history has its roots in family vacations up and down the East Coast, visiting old forts and battlefields and places such as Williamsburg, Mystic Sea Port, and Sturbridge Village. At the same time, she daydreamed in history classes, imagining the everyday people behind all the dates and conflicts and how they lived.

Claiming her best ideas are born of dreams, Kathy has written a number of stories over the years. Her first published novel, Winter Fire, a 1998 Golden Heart finalist in historical romance, was reissued in 2010 by Books We Love, Ltd.

When not writing, she enjoys reading, cooking, photography, playing “ball” with the dogs, and rooting on her favorite sports teams.


Blog: http://
Twitter: @KFischerBrown

The Partisan’s Wife book trailer:

Buy links

The Partisan’s Wife: Book 3

Courting the Devil: Book 2



Paperback :

Lord Esterleigh’s Daughter: Book 1



a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I loved your answers. If marooned I'd want someone very handy too. So many historical figures that fascinate including Benedict Arnold.


    1. Hi Mary, yes there are too many fascinating historical figures to pick just one.

  2. Love the interview...Your romantic date sounds a lot like an evening with my hubby! LOL.
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

    1. Hi Catherine, After 37 years of marriage (on June 6), it's the simple things that turn us on :-)

  3. Thank you for hosting inspite of tornadoes and power outages. I love all the pictures you found to plug in.

    1. Sorry it was late, but I'm glad you like the pictures. :) Best wishes with your book, sounds fascinating!

  4. So many interesting things. Loved your comments, enjoyed the blurb and loved the excerpt. Sounds like a really great story.

  5. You know, I've never seen a string quartet in real life. I bet it would be romantic!

    andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com

  6. Great excerpt, it sounds like he is lashing out from being hurt by her

    1. Thanks Shannon. Actually, at this point in the story, he has confusing emotions about her (and he is not her husband). Tony is an interesting character who hides his true nature behind the facade of cad, gambler, and womanizer. But who is he really...and can he rise above his cynicism?

  7. Great interview, thanks for sharing a bit about yourself. The excerpt and blurbs sounds interesting and I'll have to add all the books from the series onto my TBR list.

    humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed! Let me know when you read the books. I'd love to hear from you :-)

  8. I would want someone with MacGiver (old TV show) type skills with me if I got marooned too.

    strive4bst(At) yahoo(Dot) com

  9. Sorry for the late post. I’m playing catch-up here so I’m just popping in to say HI and sorry I missed visiting with you on party day! Hope you all had a good time!
    kareninnc at gmail dot com
