
Friday, June 21, 2013

Virtual Book Tour: No Gentleman Is He

Today, please welcome authors Carley Bauer and Lynette Willows who are going to talk about their newest release, No Gentleman Is He, plus answer my infamous Rick Reed questions. Two winners will be drawn at the end of the tour. The first winner will receive a lovely pair of colonial style earrings (U.S. only, please, due to shipping constraints), while the second will win a $100 Amazon GC. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To see where else the tour will be, go here.

The Questions
1)      You’re marooned on a small island with one person and one item of your choice—who is that person and what item do you have?
Carley: My husband and a large bottle of sunscreen. I'm very fair. Lots of Swede and German heritage.

2)      Which musical would you say best exemplifies your life – and which character in that musical are you?
Carley: Why, 1776, of course. None other than that Virginian lady, Martha Jefferson would do for my

3)      Take these three words and give me a 100 word or less scenario using them:  nose, ginger, satire
Tatiana mixed ginger into the cake batter. Stirring, she heard the door open and smiled.
"Hi babe." Tom said, rounding the kitchen corner and planting a kiss on her upturned lips.
"Good day?" Tatiana asked, her attention returned to the mixture.
"Hmmmm", Tom half answered, taking a deep whiff of the fragrant ingredients.  "Looks like it's about to get better. Is that my favorite dessert?"
Tatiana opened the oven and looked over her shoulder. "Use that nose for more erotic endeavors. There's more heating up than the oven."
Tom cocked a brow. "My mistress is seducing me with satire?"
Exactly 100 words :)

4)      You’ve just been let loose in the world of fiction, with permission to do anyone you want. Who do you fuck first and why?
Carley: Enter the possibilities! I gave this a bit of thought. The first has to be special, right? I don't want to choose second best. It's got to be Tim McGraw. Years ago, when he had a hit or two, he played occasionally at a bar called Cheryl's Sky Lounge that we frequented. (I am not a drinker, but I've been known to cut a rug on Friday or Saturday night at Cheryl's.) Whenever my husband would meander off to chat with someone, hit the bathroom, or for whatever reason wasn't by my side, Tim would glance over at my table. I remember him as being shy, and with the exception of singing, somewhat unsure of himself. I would stick my nose in the air and turn away. Watching him become ever-so-sexy through the years, I have to admit to a bit of curiosity!

5)      What is your idea of how to spend romantic time with your significant other?
Carley: Long rides, holding hands, taking in the scenery and stopping to grab a bite to eat at some little out of the way place.

6)      When you start a new story, do you begin with a character, or a plot?
Carley: Character.

7)      If they were to make the story of your life into a movie, who should play you? Carley: Reese Witherspoon. 

8)      Who’s your favorite horror villain and why?

Carley: Hannibal Lecter. I secretly thrill to serial killer thrillers.

  9)     Do you have an historical crush and if so, who is it? Carley: Clark Gable.

10)   Is there a story that you’d like to tell but you think the world isn’t ready to receive it?
Carley:  It's often crossed my mind that as a society, we only write what is acceptable at any given time. The first few to step over that line are scorned. Yes, I have a story, and when the world is ready, perhaps I'll write it.

Carley Bauer and Lynette Willows

Young, adventurous, and widowed in a new land, Cassandra Courtney Brooks finds her dream of raising a superior breed of saddle horse slipping away with the death of her husband. Left with four horses, living in a tavern attic, and her scant savings depleting, she resolves to see her vision through to fruition by accepting the scandalous position of steward at Varina Farms.

Born in the image of his native ancestry, Colton Rolfe’s savage blood runs through his veins. Scorned by his father, Colt grew into a man of ill temperament whose only interest is the wild equine beasts on his plantation. His desire to breed his horses with the superior thoroughbreds of the newly widowed Cassandra Brooks leads him to abandon societal rules. Colt’s growing resentment toward the Crown and his assistance to Sons of Liberty missions is complicated by the discovery that Cassandra’s father is a titled English nobleman.

Cassandra is soon forced to question the wisdom of her decision when she finds herself enamored with her employer. As fiery passion grows between them, Cassandra realizes her own spirit of independence, love of the land, and the savage man who is so much a part of it.
As the threat of war comes ever closer, wills are tested through gunfire, treachery, danger, and kidnapping. Does Colt dare trust Cassandra with Sons of Liberty secrets? More importantly, can he trust her with his heart? And will Colt ever trust Cassandra enough to love her as she longs to be loved?


“Can I not expect any courtesy from you during this trip?” He sat to eat, several feet away from her.

She took a bite of biscuit and turned her head to stare off into the distance, keeping her lips pursed with disapproval even while chewing.

“Stubborn woman, short on temper and long on haste,” he mumbled between bites.

“Pardon me?” she asked, despite her resolve not to talk to him. She cursed the curiosity that overcame her firm resolve.

He glanced at her innocently. “Nothing,” he said while scraping his dish clean.

 “I heard you mumble,” she cast back, irritated.

“Did you?”

“If you have something to say to me, Mr. Rolfe, I prefer it be to me and not the blades of grass at your feet.”

“I was unaware of any topic worthy of your attention. You have made it sufficiently clear nothing I have to say is of interest to you.” He stared at her. In the dusky light, however, it was difficult for Cassandra to see his expression clearly, and it frustrated her. She could imagine his familiar glower though.

“You are correct in your assumption, Mr. Rolfe,” she said, looking away as if dismissing him. The ongoing silence between them bothered her greatly. Nonetheless, she could not bring herself to relent.

*215 words



Lynette Willows
I’m Lynette Willows. I live in rural Alberta, Canada. My debut novel, “No Gentleman Is He”, the first in the Sons of Liberty series, is co-written along with my partner in romance, Carley Bauer. 
Some have mentioned I have a very interesting past. Not only was it unusual, but some would even say reckless. I’ve lived on an Indian reserve in a teepee with my young son for three months in the winter, I’ve chased storms, and worked as a social services aide on one of the most troubled and dangerous reserves in Canada, where I met great friends as well as made a few enemies.
I enjoy camping, movies, especially historical bio dramas, strange dogs, stranger cats, exclamation points, coffee mugs with stupid sayings, friends, the crazier the better, family, as long as they are crazier than I am, and I have a huge collection of shiny, outrageous earrings. Yes, I’m a magpie. I’ll only play chess with my husband because he’ll let me win.
If you’re curious about my favorite reading material, it’s very eclectic and varied. I’m extremely picky about what I read, so check out my “to read” list on Goodreads. You can also follow me and Carley, my talented, patient, and illustrious co-author at our fan page on Facebook at “Lynette Willows & Carley Bauer”. I’m also on Twitter under @LynetteWillows, as well as Pinterest, though I’m still figuring that out. You are welcome to also visit me and chat at “Lynette Willows, Author” at

“I have enormous respect for the reader. They are able to take symbols from a page that an author has invented, and turn them into images in their minds that create an enduring story. If that’s not artistry, I don’t know what is.”-Lynette Willows

Carley Bauer

Carley Bauer enjoys life on the eastern seaboard of the U.S. with her husband and their blue eyed feline, Noelle. After 30 years as a state contractor in a self employed capacity, she decided to try her hand at her first love, writing.
She loves being an empty nester, free to travel with her husband. Still involved with her children and grandchildren, Carley loves big family events. Some of her other hobbies are home decor, fashion, graphic arts, and the occasional bite of the Big Apple where the excitement feeds her natural love of city life.


Facebook Fan Page:
Tirgearr Publishing:
No Gentleman Is He available for purchase at:
Eros Books:
Tirgearr to Author Carley Bauer
Tirgearr Publishing:


  1. I'll take Clark Gable, but you can keep Hannibal Lecter.

    Lynette, I love your earrings in your author photograph.


  2. LOL Mary, the hubs got me into Hannibal. That said, I love serial killer thrillers. I think my favorite was Kiss the Girls. Of course Morgan Freeman is my favorite actor and Ashley Judd is simply awesome! Long, dangling earrings are Lynette's weakness. She is the one who chose the colonial earring give-away, so you can be assured their beautiful ;)

    I'm hoping when Lyn arrives, she'll throw a few answers in the comment section. With a month long blog tour, we split the interviews. I think it would be fun to hear my co-author's response to some of the questions;)

  3. I enjoyed the interview. They sure don't make them like Clark Gable anymore, talk about sex appeal.


  4. Thanks Mary. Yes, I'm a magpie when it comes to earrings, the more dangly and outrageous, the better. People who know me well steer me away from the earring displays in stores, or they've lost me. hehehehe
    Ingeborg, Gable was good, but I have a special fondness for Cagney and Carey Grant, most especially when both were in romantic comedies.

  5. I also want to thank Julie for hosting us today. Interesting interview questions, and it much appreciated.

  6. Julie, yes! Thank you. I thoroughly enjoyed the interview questions.

  7. You are pure class, Carley! Poor Tim, hah. As for Reese Witherspoon, you picked an excellent choice. I think she's really talented, so I have a feeling she would do you justice. I'll have to agree with Lynette on Cary Grant! Swoon! Thanks to you both for answering questions!


  8. Loved your comments. I would love to spend some time with Tim also.

    Loved the excerpt. You ladies did a fantastic job.

  9. So if you had to be trapped on a desert island with one of your characters, who would it be and why?

    andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com

  10. That's interesting, about writing what society would expect at any given time...


  11. Well, it’s Friday. Had fun following you around this week and looking forward to more good stuff next week. Have a great weekend!
    kareninnc at gmail dot com

  12. Sounds good, looking forward to reading it. Thanks.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com
