
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Virtual Book Tour: Spirit of the Revolution

Please welcome author Debbie Peterson, who is discussing her newest release, Spirit of the Revolution.
Debbie will be awarding a custom made piece of jewelry to a random commenter during the tour. The necklace, called "The Jolena", was especially designed for this giveaway by "Shandra Kay". She will also award an e-book copy of Shadow of the Witte Wieven. The winner will be able to select a Mobi, epub or PDF copy of this book. The more you comment, the better your chances. You can find the other stops on the tour here

Spirit of the Revolution
by Debbie Peterson



Only divine intervention could have guided Jolena Leigh Michaelsson to the doorstep of a ramshackle manor in Pennsylvania, bringing her face-to-face with the man she has waited her whole life to find. There is just one problem. Mathias McGregor died two centuries ago…

Mathias, Revolutionary War ranger and spy, battles his conscience and his heart when he finds himself falling for the beautiful violinist invading his home. Jolena is mortal and deserves far more than what he as a spirit can offer her.

When Jolena’s family motto leads them to unearth a valuable coded message—the very message Mathias died trying to deliver to General Washington—Jolena vows to unravel the mystery surrounding the cryptic document. But someone else wants the message, and he’ll stop at nothing to get it, not even murder.

Divine intervention brought them together—will it also allow them to find forever?



“Um, if you don’t mind my asking, dear, is there a Mr. Michaelsson about?”

“No, I’m afraid not.” Jo resisted the need to roll her eyes and sigh in exasperation. How she hated that question.

“You’re here all by yourself then?” ventured Ellen once again.

“Well, I do have Dakota.” She paused as her guests shot each other furtive glances. “Dakota is my dog, and for the past several years he’s served as my guard, my companion, and my very dear friend. So, you see, I’m not all alone, after all.”

“Oh, of course, but he’s just a—” Ellen shook her head as her light brown eyes bore into Jo’s deep blue ones. “Do be very careful dear. This house? Well, it’s…I mean…no one ever stays here very long. Sometimes, it’s just a few days at best. Some of the residents have even left belongings behind. Why, they even left food on the table when they…and they never returned to…to…”

Jo drew her brows together. She found it difficult to understand her incoherent babbling, especially when the woman didn’t finish her sentences.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Debbie has always had a soft spot for fairy tales, the joy of falling in love, and happily ever after endings. Stories of love and make believe filled her head for as long as she can remember. However, it was her beloved husband who encouraged, cajoled and inspired her to take up a pen and write some of them down.

Her journey to published author could fill quite a few pages, but in June of 2010, she submitted her debut novel, “Spirit of the Rebellion” to her wonderful, patient, editor at The Wild Rose Press. A few short months after Rebellion’s release, her second novel, “Shadow of the Witte Wieven” was published through InkSpell Publishing. Her third novel, “Spirit of the Revolution” will be released May 31, 2013, through The Wild Rose Press.

When she’s not busy conjuring her latest novel, Debbie spends time with the members of her very large family. She also pursues her interests in family history, mythology, and all things ancient and historic.

Connect with Debbie:






  1. Good luck with the tour, Debbie.

  2. I love a book that includes historical and paranormal elements with modern day. Best wishes with the tour, Debbie!

  3. Thank you for inviting me to your blog Julie! It's great to be here!

  4. Thanks for stopping by Mae! Researching the history is just as fun for me as writing it!

  5. This really sounds like a fascinating story. I love stories about the revolution and this sounds really unique.

  6. Hi MomJane! So nice to see you here! Wishing you the best of luck on our drawing!

  7. Looks like a great book. Thanks for sharing the excerpt.
    debby26 at gmail dot com

  8. Hey Debby! Glad you stopped by and thanks for the comment!

  9. I am so excited about this book..I just the love the way you write..It is a great way to escape....Thanks

  10. I am so excited about this book..I just the love the way you write..It is a great way to escape....Thanks

    1. Thanks Tammy! I'm so excited that you stopped by and left your lovely comment!
