
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sexy Snippets #2: Revelations

Today I'm going to post my Sexy Snippets from Revelations. If you want to see what the other authors have done, go here. Sexy Snippets is a sneak peek into what authors are either working on or have completed and/or published.

In this scene,  Judas is agitated, and Jesus is trying to calm him, although he himself is disturbed by feelings he doesn't understand.  Enjoy!

Revelations, available at MuseitUp Publishing and Amazon and ARe

But before I do…I move toward my irritable Judas without pausing to think about what I’m doing, impelled by something I don’t truly understand. Something inside of me is urging me, and I find I cannot do other than obey… I put my hands on either side of his lovely face, pull him toward me and…

…and I lock our lips together in a kiss. Not just any kiss, but the kiss to end all kisses. Not that I’ve not kissed Judas before, I have, and others as well. But this is different and I very well know it. My lips are afire from this kiss, and I suspect his are as well. 

Also, I'm visiting my friend Marian Lanouette's blog, talking about Be My Aliens. In fact, the guys themselves stopped by too. Come on by and say hello!


  1. An interesting snippet. You portray the confusion well.

  2. Loved this line:"Not just any kiss, but the kiss to end all kisses. "
