
Monday, April 22, 2013

Guest Blogger Kay LaLone

Please welcome author Kay LaLone today. She was brave enough to answer my infamous questions, plus
she's going to talk about her newest release!  Kay, make yourself at home, while I make us something to drink. Why don't you go ahead and start?

The Questions
1)      You’re marooned on a small island with one person and one item of your choice—who is that person and what item do you have?

Umm… do I have to have another person on the island with me? If I was marooned on an island, I’d rather be alone with my computer so that I could just write and write and write without any interruptions.

   2)    Which musical would you say best exemplifies your life – and which character in that musical are you?

I’m not really into musicals, but my favorite is
Grease. When I’m in the writing zone, I’m dealing with a bunch of teenagers who tend to get into trouble. What is a story without conflict? The character in that musical that I would be is Sandy. A good girl who falls in love with a bad boy.  

3)      Take these three words and give me a 100 word or less scenario using them:  profile, blasting, congratulation

His profile looked sinister at the end of the dark alley. She knew she should run, but the blasting of the car horn made her step further into the alley. She peeked around the corner and watched as her friends hurried into the waiting taxi. The taxi pulled away. She breathed a sigh of relief. She wouldn’t have to listen to their congratulations.

This was written off the top of my head. Sometimes I like to do this especially when I am suffering from writers block. It gets my imagination flowing and could lead into a story.

4)      You’ve just been let loose in the world of fiction, with permission to do anyone you want. Who do you fuck first and why?

Sorry, I don’t kiss and tell.

5)      What is your idea of how to spend romantic time with your significant other?

Strolling on the beach, letting the waves tickle our feet.

   6)    When you start a new story, do you begin with a character, or a plot?

I begin a new story with a character and then the plot. I like to get to know my characters before I get them into trouble.  Or like question 3, I’ll use a writing exercise to get my imagination flowing and then a character’s voice will pop into my head. Before I know it, I have a rough first draft of a story.

7)      If they were to make the story of your life into a movie, who should play you?
Tough questions because I don’t think they would make my life into a movie. I’d rather see them make one of my characters’ lives into a movie. Now my characters get into a lot of trouble. Sarah Kay in Ghostly Clues is faced with the lost of her grandma, little jealousy of her best friend because she has a father and Sarah Kay doesn’t, and then figuring out Grandma’s ghostly clues (which gets her in trouble with her mom.).

8)      Who’s your favorite horror villain and why?

I’m not really into the slashing horror type stories. My favorite type of villain is the evil spirit type because the hero or good character has to search inside themselves for the answers to fight this evil spirit. I think the good character has to get more creative to fight this spirit than they would with the normal bad guy villain.

9)      Do you have an historical crush and if so, who is it?

Not really. I was never into history. So now if I put anything historical in my stories, I do a lot of research.

10)   Is there a story that you’d like to tell but you think the world isn’t ready to receive it?

Honestly, I don’t think there is any story out there that the world isn’t ready to receive. I think a writer can write just about anything that their wild imagination can think of, and if it is well written and believable, the world will accept it or reject it.

Thank you, Julie, for hosting me on your blog. You have asked such fun questions that made me think.

Media Kit for Ghostly Clues


The sweet scent of lilacs permeates the air around Grandma’s gravesite. Only Sarah Kay can smell Grandma’s favorite flower, and they’re not even in bloom. 
Sarah Kay and her best friend, Mary Jane, believe the lilacs are a sign from Grandma’s ghost. The girls follow one ghostly clue after another, uncovering a secret that Mom never wanted Sarah Kay to know.
Grandma makes sure Sarah Kay gets the message even from the grave. As the evidence piles up, Mom still refuses to accept the possibility Sarah Kay’s father is alive.
Sarah Kay finds Dad’s parents. A set of grandparents she didn’t realize existed. They make it clear her father is alive but days and miles separate the father and daughter reunion because Dad is a truck driver on a long haul. 
Sarah Kay waits. The news reports a fatal car accident involving a semi and Sarah Kay fears the worse. She runs away which leads to Dad and the truth, Mom wanted Dad to remain dead.
Dad had faked his death so why not just stay dead.  The ghostly clues of Grandma wouldn’t allow Dad to remain dead to Sarah Kay.

The house was blanketed in a quiet slumber. I snuggled under the sleeping bag with Allison, trying not to think about ghosts, as I drifted to sleep.
Random pictures floated in my mind like ghostly images.
I tiptoed among tombstones and my heart ached as if I had lost something or someone. He had to be here, somewhere. The gravestones rose like stone walls. No names engraved on them. No dates. No R.I.P. Nothing. Just smooth, flat stones. Ghosts—grayish, smoky forms with black eyes—floated over the tombstones.  I shivered, suddenly cold, freezing. My breath visible like a little ghost. I didn’t want to look at the ghost anymore so I looked down at my feet. A tombstone with Grandma’s name appeared out of nowhere. The earth moved. The dirt around the headstone broke away and gnarled fingers clawed their way into the air, searching, grasping. Shriveled fingers clutched my leg.  
Something grabbed at my leg—the hand, I screamed and frantically wiggled out of my sleeping bag, bumping MJ as I tried to get away from the hand I thought I felt grab at my leg.

I’m Kay LaLone. Ghostly Clues is my first middle grade novel published by MuseItUp. I live in Michigan with my husband and teenage son (two older sons and a daughter-in-law live near by) and two dogs and a cat. I love to get up every morning and write about ghosts, the paranormal, and anything that goes bump in the night. Or anything that interest my characters. Making my characters come to life for readers is important to a good story. I’m an avid reader of just about any type of book. I do reviews on the books I read and post them on my website and blog.

My website
Barnes & Noble


Thanks for stopping by, Kay!
Until next time, take care!
♥ Julie

1 comment:

  1. thank you, Julie, for hosting me on your blog today. fun questions.
