
Monday, February 11, 2013

Virtual Book Tour: Savage Angel by Stacy Gail

Good morning and Happy Monday! Please welcome today author Stacy Gail, who has bravely answered by  infamous Rick Reed questions, and is going to tell us about her newest release, Savage Angel. Thanks for stopping by, Stacy! Why don't you start, while I pour some coffee?  And if you read to the blog, you'll find out how to win an Amazon GC!

The Questions
1)      You’re marooned on a small island with one person and one item of your choice—who is that person and what item do you have?
SG:  I’d HAVE to be stranded with Bear Grylls.  Not only is he a brilliant survival adventurist, but he’s ridiculously stunning to look at. *fans self* As for the item we’d be stuck with, I’d choose a Swiss Army knife (or a box of condoms *laughs*).

2)      Which musical would you say best exemplifies your life – and which character in that musical are you?

SG:  Probably “Fame”, as I grew up in a high-level training center for figure skaters, though I wasn’t any of that starring-role kids.  Just one of the many, many faces in the crowd. ;)

   3)   Take these three words and give me a 100 word or less scenario using them:  bureaucracy, reflex, strip

SG:  His one and only highlight of the bureaucracy-choked board meeting was getting an up-close-and-personal look at the new Acquisitions leader. Watching her move was a reflex he didn’t want to stop, and by the time the meeting came to a close he had her mannerisms down pat. Like how she chewed her lower lip when she concentrated. Or raised her chin when challenged. When she’d adjusted the scarf at her neck, he’d burned to strip it off and cover that pale flesh with his mouth.  One day—soon—he’d do just that.

4)      You’ve just been let loose in the world of fiction, with permission to do anyone you want. Who do you fuck first and why?
SG: Hands down, it’s Alcide Herveaux from the Sookie Stackhouse novels.  He is lickolicious. *fangirl sigh*

5)      What is your idea of how to spend romantic time with your significant other?
SG:  Completely, utterly alone, with no phones or wi-fi around as distractions, no work or deadlines to worry about.  This RARELY happens, but when it does, we always find ways to fill the time. ;)

6)      When you start a new story, do you begin with a character, or a plot?
SG: For The Earth Angels series, I had a huge plot idea that needed four books to tell the overall tale.  The characters in NOBODY’S ANGEL, the first book in The Earth Angels, were actually developed midway through my research into putting the series together.

7)      If they were to make the story of your life into a movie, who should play you?
SG:  A shorter Julia Roberts, who can also ice skate.  We’ve got that same big mouth and loud laugh. :P

   8)    Who’s your favorite horror villain and why?

SG: Randall Flagg in Stephen King’s “The Stand”, as well at “The Dark Tower” series.  Though he seemed to start out in life as something vaguely human (I seem to remember he was in the military at one point in his life), he grew to be the embodiment of evil on earth as well as other dimensions.  Such a magnificent—and diverse—character.  Lord Voldemort/Tom Riddle would be my second choice.

9)      Do you have an historical crush and if so, who is it?

History’s not really my thing, but before he went completely crazy I admit I would have liked to have met Howard Hughes.  He was quite the player back in the day, and such a brilliant, progressive mind.

   10)  Is there a story that you’d like to tell but you think the world isn’t ready to receive it?
SG: I was holding back a futuristic trilogy for years, actually.  Then my publisher asked for a sci-fi holiday story this past December, and there was my opening!  After The Earth Angels series is complete, I’m diving into the project I’m currently calling “The Glitch” trilogy, as well as launching a small town contemporary romance series this summer, called “Bitterthorn, Texas”, published by Carina Press

Savage Angel
by Stacy Gail



Book two in The Earth Angels

Feel nothing. Sara Savitch's personal mantra has been hard to live by ever since her torrid one-night stand with army doctor Gideon Mandeville. Descended from the Seraphim, angels known as heaven's soldiers, Sara may be an expert fighter, but she's an amateur when it comes to relationships.

Physically unharmed, but still battle-scarred, Gideon has returned to Dallas in the hopes of regaining his faith in humanity—and in himself. Instead, he's walked into a nightmare. His father is on a serial killer's hit list, and has hired a personal bodyguard—the very woman who has haunted Gideon's dreams for a year.

As Sara works to build an impenetrable fortress around her client, she yearns to tear down the one around Gideon's heart. With his bitter rejection of warriors, will he ever be able to accept her true nature? Sara must find a way to trust Gideon with her secret as the killer closes in…

Excerpt One:

Marking the sun so she wouldn’t throw a shadow over the intruder to warn him of her presence, Sara rounded the bush and snuck up behind him in a fluid movement no ordinary human could ever hope to beat. She pressed her front to his back, hooking her left arm under his to lock her hand behind his nape, while the hand holding the knife went right for the throat, laying the flat of the blade against the jugular. He jumped and struggled, then hissed when a flick of her wrist stood the deadly edge of the blade against his skin to slice it like butter.

“Hey, soldier boy.” Once again pressing the flat of the blade to the wound to show him just how much in charge of the situation she was, Sara spoke into the ear closest to her. “If you’re looking for somebody to play war with, I’m available. Wanna have some fun?”

A disdainful grunt was the intruder’s answer before he threw his head back, butting it against her cheekbone. Stars bloomed like fireworks before her eyes even as the world went end over end.



AUTHOR Bio and Links:

A competitive figure skater from the age of eight, Stacy Gail began writing stories in between events to pass the time. By the age of fourteen, she told her parents she was either going to be a figure skating coach who was also a published romance writer, or a romance writer who was also a skating pro. Now with a day job of playing on the ice with her students, and writing everything from steampunk to cyberpunk, contemporary to paranormal at night, both dreams have come true.

Stacy Gail –Website:




Amazon Page:

Buy Links for SAVAGE ANGEL:


 Stacy will be awarding a $25 Amazon GC to a random commenter during the tour, and a second commenter will win a $10 Amazon GC. To see where else Stacy will be, go here The more closely you follow the tour, and the more often you comment, the better your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by, Stacy!

Until next time, take care!

♥ Julie.


  1. Thank you for the excerpt, I enjoyed it.


  2. I love the cover, she looks so beautiful and powerful at the same time

    fencingromein at hotmail dot com

    1. Thanks for saying so, Shannon! I love Sara, and the cover artist captured her essence completely. :)

      Best of luck to you, and thanks for stopping by!

  3. Great interview! Congrats on the release, Stacy. Can't wait to read this one.

    1. Anna, how amazing you are to drop in when you're currently the busiest author I know! Congratulations to YOU on your latest release, SOUL STEALER. Many happy sales to you! :D

  4. SAVAGE ANGEL does look & sounds amazing. I enjoyed the interview thank you.


  5. Thank you so much for this tour...if just for the smexy pictures of Joe whatshisface :P

  6. thank you for hosting :)
    i enjoyed the interview ^^

  7. Great excerpt!

    hopefull1978 At gmail Dot com

  8. Wow, amazing post! great pics..loved the excerpt

    booksaremagicblogspot at gmail dot com
