
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Six Sentence Sunday 1-20-13 Revelations

Only two more of these to go, unless someone picks them up, but as I haven't heard anything, for now I'll assume that's not happening, which is a shame. Today I thought I'd share with you six sentences from my upcoming release, Revelations, coming out February 8th from Museit Up Publishing. For the rest of those who are participating this week, go here.

Also, if you'd like to learn more about Revelations, I'm visiting with my friend Eden Connor and talking about how it came to be, so stop by and say hello. And don't forget to come back tomorrow. I have a surprise!

In this scene, Lucifer is baiting Judas, and the quick-tempered Judas is quick to react, but it's Jesus to the rescue. Ah, sweet torture!  Enjoy!

           “Judas, darling, never play poker, your face gives everything away, my pet.”

            I swat his annoying hand away, irritated beyond belief at his impudence, his bellicose brashness—how dare he fucking touch me like that? Then Jesus takes that very same hand also into his grasp, and I am too dumbstruck to do anything else other than simply stand there, helpless in his grip, melting into his touch. The fight drains from me just that quickly, like snow on hot asphalt, replaced by another, far stronger emotion. Kyrie eleison, I pray to myself, please don’t let me fall apart right here and now. Stand strong, Judas, stand strong.

Revelations isn't available for pre-order yet, but when it is, you'll be able to find it on my page at Muse, which is here

Until next time, take care!

♥ Julie.  


  1. Interesting delineation of personalities in these few sentences. Beautifully handled.
    --Kimberly K. Comeau
