
Monday, December 31, 2012

Looking Back at 2012 and a New Year's Kisses Party

Today is the last day of 2012. Obviously the world didn't end, but did anyone really think it would, or did that just become a global joke? From what I've read, the Mayans didn't intend for it to be the end of the world, but rather the start of a new world. That makes more sense.

Looking back at the passing year, there were highs and lows. To be expected. Bad people did bad things, tragedies occurred, and good was also done. For me, 2012 was a stronger year than 2011. After being unemployed for two years, I got a job with a temp agency. Although at times the work is sporadic, it's a start. I've made some friends and I've been able to make some money.

As for my writing, it's been a mixed bag as well. I cut ties with two publishers, was published by one I truly despise, and had my first release with one I edit for, with others to follow. I also self-published for the first time. I have three stories out there that I did myself. And I contracted Revelations, something I've been trying to do for years. I actually believe Revelations is the real reason I was fired from the job I held for over thirteen years, that my born-again Christian brother caught wind of it somehow (must have been through his wife, because he doesn't do FB), and he fired me, no matter what bullshit story he tells everyone else. (He tells his customers that I left to write my novel, but that is very much not true).

Also, in 2012, I began a new writing partnership with a new friend and our first story, Be My Alien - first in our Moonlit Skies series - has been contracted with Dreamspinner. I finished writing When Will I See You Again, a m/m paranormal, and subbed that to Dreamspinner on Christmas Eve. I am currently reworking Leonardo di Caprio is a Vampire and will sub that to DSP when I am done.

My kids did well this year. Michael left the navy and took a job in the private sector, making good money. He has a new girlfriend and she sounds nice. I hope to meet her someday. He came home, which was good and I was thrilled to see him, although the reason was a sad one - his father had complications from diabetes and had to undergo amputation of part of his leg.

Chris spent the summer in Kansas City, interning there, and spending time with his gf, who lives there. He's graduating from Mizzou in June and has a job lined up with Amazon in Seattle already. Katie is still happily  married and is working at losing weight and doing a good job of it. Sarah is going to community college and will be head of the campus newspaper next semester.

In 2012, I worked my last convention, at least as a staff member, cutting ties with KawaKon. In future, if I go it will be as an author. A lot less stressful that way.

Tomorrow I'll talk about the future and what I see for it, but today I'm looking back. 2012 was a good year in many ways. I think I've learned some things this year, and hope to benefit from having made mistakes. We all make them. It's what you do with them that matters.

And remember, we're all in this together, so we have to make this the best world we can!

And now for the party - I'm part of Kay Berrisford's New Year's Kissing Party. Go to her blog here and check it out. There will be kisses and prizes galore! I have an excerpt that will be hosted at Tara Lain's blog, so head on over there when you get time.

Have a wonderful New Year's Eve! Stay safe and be happy! Until next time, take care!

♥ Julie

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