
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day 2 of the Purrfect Giftatastic Christmas Blog Hop!

So today I got around to addressing my Christmas cards - I know, better late than never, right? - and it occurred to me to wonder - how did this tradition start? So I looked it up and here's what I found out at the Big Site of Amazing Facts:

Christmas has been celebrated for many centuries, but the custom of sending greeting cards at Christmas didn’t begin until 1843.
That year, an Englishman named Henry Cole wanted to send his friends a note wishing them happiness at Christmas. He hired an artist named John Horsley to design the world’s first Christmas card.
This card showed a large family gathered around a table. On each side of the picture were smaller scenes showing people giving food and clothing to the poor. The message read: “A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you.” Christmas cards haven’t changed very much since then, have they?
Christmas cards didn’t become popular in the United States until about 30 years later. Today, Americans send about four billion Christmas cards a year, that’s 20 for every person!
A California man once sent more than 62,000 Christmas cards in a single year!
Well, I thank you, Mr. Cole. And the greeting card companies thank you too!

So today is my grocery shopping today, and though it's not time to get Christmas dinner, it's time to think about picking about some eggnog. Although it is sinfully rich and loaded with naughty calories. But it's only once a year, right? Actually, maybe instead of eggnog, we'll get something we were recently introduced to. Rumchata. What is Rumchata, you ask? It's a delicious blend of rice, sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, sweet dairy cream and Caribbean rum. You can mix drinks with it, add it to coffee, or drink it straight from the bottle. Thanks to my son, Chris, for sharing this with us recently! If you're looking for a satisfying holiday indulgence, look no further!

We aren't putting up a Christmas tree again this year, haven't had one since the last one died of old age, haven't been able to afford a new one. Frankly, it's not a big deal. It's just Sarah and me, and we're fine without it, although some day I'd like to get one and decorate it with pictures of naked men. But that will be for my room. When I get a new house, maybe I'll start decorating again. But our presents are wrapped and visible where they can tantalize us with wondering what's in them. Don't need a tree for that lol

So, let's play a game, shall we? If I had a Christmas tree, what would I like to see under it tagged forme?  Hmmm, that's a no-brainer, especially for anyone that knows me.  This is what I want - clothing optional :)  

Well, I can't top that lol  What would you like to see under your tree, no holds barred, sky's the limit?  Tell me!  Keep enjoying the hop and keep on hopping!


  1. Ahh since I do not know you and would not want to offend you, and since clothing is optional, I think you should have a small space heater for times in between
    debby236 at gmail dot com

    1. Haha, the clothing is only optional for my gift, aka Mr. Oldman. Don't worry, I'll keep him warm :)

  2. Umm... "Toys"? I'll say no more... :-P


    1. By the way, Horchata AND rum together?!? Yummmm!!! Need to find it at my local ABC Store!! Sounds Delish!

  3. well wha t i like autograph pic of you and then and all your book to read

  4. What an awesome hop!! And a fantastic giveaway! Thank you!! Well, id want toys, some hot men, a warm bed, etc. lol Happy holidays to you all! Best wishes and many blessings!
