
Monday, May 14, 2012

Guest Blogging at Lily Sawyer Books & a Contest

Good morning! Today I'm at friend and fellow author Lily Sawyer's logb, talking about the first book in a gay YA series I co-wrote with SL Danielson. It Started With a Dare is the first in the Southern Comfort series. The series will be five books long, and the first four will be published by No Boundaries Press. The fifth, which is in the process of being written, will be published elsewhere.

To celebrate the first book, I will run a contest on my blog until midnight Friday. All you have to do is comment with a memory, something involving a time when you were a teen, and leave your email address as well as follow this blog.  The winner will receive a copy if It Started With a Dare!

Stop by Lily's blog and see more about the first book!

Have a great day! Until next time, take care!

♥ Julie


  1. GFC Follower: Kassandra

    I had my first really big crush from 13-16. Absolutely was head over heels for this guy. We were really good friends and classmates. I am positive he knew but never took the bait. Hell by first concert was with a group with him in it. (this will age me, lol) Summer after freshman year I went to an outdoor concert for Skid Row with Pantera opening. Had a blast ;)

  2. When I was 15 I had my first boyfriend and was allowed to start dating. We spent a lot of time together even though he went to a different school than I did. I thought I was in love(what a joke). Things seemed to be going great until one day he started acting strange.He stopped seeing me and started going out with one of my friends. I was heartbroken. :(Welcome to the real world! My next boyfriend was much better. :)

  3. Hm, There are so many times that I can think of... But the one that stands out the most to me ATM is when I was in my first day of high school. I was 14 (because of my late birthday in August I was like... one of the youngest) barely walking into the school, I saw these people in Uniform helping around Orientation, and I thought... What the hell?
    Later they announced that the chaperon's were students mostly Jr.'s and Seniors that were going to be showing us around and performing, giving us a warm welcome. They were the NJROTC (program I guess you can call it) that the school had. Their Armed and Unarmed drill teams performed, their Flag Detail, and all I could think of was.. How awesome they all looked. The performances were so new to me that I was captivated. I loved how the uniforms looked. They were called Dress Blues uniform. And all I could think to myself was, I would love to one day be in that. Perform, welcome the new kids to school when it feels so scary and big and that huge leap. I spoke to one of the seniors and asked how I could join. They told me and in a matter of days, I was in there. High school was the most amazing and fun experience I could have ever had because of ROTC. When most people complained that It was so slow and so annoying, I felt it was too fast and not enough. I joined the Unarmed Drill Team, Performed and won at competitions and in my Senior year, I became Supply Officer. I was basically in charge of making sure the Entire Battalion looked great in their uniforms. It was the biggest responsibility and the best thing that ever happened to me. When I was graduating having gotten honorable mentions from ROTC, all I could remember was being that frighted teenager and how far I had gotten from a mild fascination of hand movements and orders from the Unarmed Drill Team. lol..

    ;) already following blog (Loveless3173)


  4. Let's see. I dated a lot when I was a teenager. One summer, I had 8 boyfriends. Yes, they all knew about each other. No, there was no funny business. Hey, I was an active dater but I wasn't loose! As the summer progressed, some of the guys stopped calling and at the end of summer I moved on and got a single boyfriend. It was a good summer! jepebATverizonDOTnet
