
Friday, May 18, 2012

Guest Blogger Margaret West

Welcome my good friend and fellow author Margaret West, if you would! Not only is Margaret a very talented romance novelist, but she also writes some very interesting non-fiction books. Today she's going to tell us about her book on Psychic Development. It's fascinating, I guarantee. I know, as I've had the privilege of reading it. I'm visiting with Margaret and we're strolling about the English countryside, taking it all in. Beautiful, isn't it? So tell us about your book, Mags!

Psychic development

When I speak to people about being Psychic, I’m surprised by some of the feedback I get. Let me tell you a few things that will surprise you. EVERYONE is the world is Psychic. You’re born with it. You don’t have to be ‘special’ to be psychic. It’s nature’s built-in safety alarm for yourself. The sad fact is many people have forgotten how to use it or even that it exists. Babies use their psychic ability the instant they are born. Have you ever noticed your baby will always cry when placed in a certain person’s arms? That’s because the baby is tuning into that person’s energy and maybe realising that they’re not as nice as you think. Children draw animals in various shades of colour. Pink cows or blue sheep. You might not be able to fathom out why, but it’s probably because they can see the animal’s aura and are choosing that colour to shade the picture in.

Let me explain about what WON’T happen if you explore your psychic side.

You won’t see dead people

You won’t see anything horrible

You won’t start wearing hippy clothes and chanting omm (not yet anyway lol)

What you will see is the workings of your own body. Recognising the energies within you and that they do exist. We are beings of light after all. Understanding your intuition is vitally important. It could save your life one day, and also steer you away from those people who you thought were your friends.  You’ll learn about your aura and what it does for your body and health—how to touch it and read other’s intentions by just looking at the colours of their aura. You’ll work with mantic tools such as a pendulum. You’ll be surprised how this handy gadget can find those lost car keys. Psychic Development is fun. It’s not scary and it’s a great way to meet new people, make new friends and learn about the things that have mystified people through the ages. Remember this is a part of you that’s just sleeping, why not wake it up and use it?

The book will give you step by step instructions in how to awaken your birthright; I guarantee that you’ll be astounded by the results. I’m also giving away a free quartz crystal pendulum to the first person who buys my book today and can show me a receipt.

Wake up and find the inner you. It will be worth it.

Have any questions for Margaret? Comments? Don't be afraid, she doesn't bite!  

Thanks for taking the time to come on my blog, Margaret, and for the terrific walk in the country! 

Until next time, take care!

♥ Julie


  1. thanks for having me on here today julie :-)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Mags! Your book was awesome, I learned so much from it!

  2. Sounds absolutely fascinating, Margaret. My grown-up daughter has always been more in tune with these things and the amount of synchronicity she experiences is sometimes amazing!
