
Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas is coming, let's have a little blog hop cheer now!

And we're off! It's time to stuff your stockings, Christmas is coming! We've got tons of authors and prizes  galore, something for everyone! I'm giving away a copy of anything from my backlist! Click on the picture and away you go!

How do you win, you ask?  Good question!  First, follow this blog. Second - leave a comment between now and midnight on the 18th. Tell me something about you - what you want for Christmas - your best Christmas memory - anything! Don't forget to leave your email addy so I can contact you!

Good luck!


  1. Hey Julie,

    I'd love to be entered to win your contest

  2. Hi Julie

    I'm a big kid at Christmas... And complain every year when someone says they are giving me money...I'm not ungrateful I just think that Christmas is time to show people u live and cherish them and money doesn't do it for me lol

    Happy holidays

    Sarah S


  3. I am loving this blog hop! Please enter me into your contest.

  4. HI Julie, please include me in the contest. I do follow your blog
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  5. Following~ <3

    Hmm, as for what I've been wanting for xmas.. Well, lots of things, but the main thing...> A Digital Camera.

    How sad Is it of me to say I don't have one? I have a desktop/computer but no digital camera. Sad.
    And my sisters have one but they don't let me use it and it makes me sad because I LOVE taking pictures. I see so many things from simple flowers to how the color of the clouds look as a picture perfect moment. I come across so many amazing things when I go out that I so wish I could capture forever, but alas, I can't. So... that is what i'm really wishing for this year. :)

    Thank you for this contest!!


  6. follow on gfc as Helen.
    I would like a new ereader for Christmas.
    helldog3 at

  7. I want my husband for Christmas. Too bad he's in Canada and I'm in the USA. So, I'd take an iPad2 instead. *snickers*

    I want him more though.

    angel.graham.1 (at)

  8. Hi Julie! Something about myself? Well, I love the Sims Social - but you already know that. Um... This is my first Christmas as a single mom and I'm actually happy about it ^.^ Having a great time with my kids decorating, baking, etc. and giving myself much more time to enjoy the prep. I'm also taking part in this blog hop as an M/M author - my FIRST blog hop!

    Erica Pike ^.^

    eripike at gmail dot com

  9. Hopping right along! For Chritsmas I just wsant some time with my family. Life get so busy sometimes that you take each other for granted and I know I have been doing that. So I'd like a few days to just chill out and enjoy thier company. Happy Holidays!

  10. my christmas wish is to get a kindle - they are finally available in my country ^^ that would be really great.

    witchvela at web dot de

  11. This year for Christmas I would love to have all my family together. I live away from my neice and nephew and I miss them horribly so my biggest wish would be to be with them. Thanks so much for the contest!

  12. GFC-Gloria
    I'd like an ipod for Christmas. I know I'm behind the times. My kids have them, but I don't. Go figure. Thanks for the giveaway!

    geschumann at live dot com

  13. I would love to find a kindle fire as my gift. Thanks for being part of the blog hop.
    GFC Lisa G


  14. Hi Julie,
    lovely contest :)

    I'd love to have gift certificates for Christmas to buy a lot of ebooks. ^^

    Happy Holidays!


  15. oh, forgot to mention my following on GFC ^^''

  16. Hi Julie...I'm a book reader/hoarder :)) so you guessed it--I'm in it for the books<3

    Merry Christmas!!
    stacey siferd

  17. My best Christmas memory has been happening pretty much every year for a while gathers on Christmas Eve, my dad starts a small bonfire and we just sit and chat...really good times and memories!! Happy Holidays to you :)


  18. What i want this christmas is books. Especially after this blog hop! My wishlist as grown and then some! Thanks for the great giveaway!
    gfc- shadow_kohler

  19. This Christmas I would like seat covers for my car. I hate when my seats get dirty!

    GFC: books4me

    books4me67 at ymail dot com

  20. Merry Christmas!!

    My favorite Christmas memory would have to be every year since I had children. To see their little faces as they open their gifts is the best gift of all for me. My kids are hard to please so I take a lot of pride in looking for the perfect gifts for those little buggers.

    Happy Holidays!

  21. There are a lot of books I want for Christmas. That is why I love my family and their need to give me gift cards. I would love to be added to this giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity and happy holidays!
