
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Guest Blogger SL Danielson Returns!

I'm sitting in Laumeier Sculpture Park with my friend and co-author SL Danielson, taking advantage of the relative coolness of the morning to enjoy some fresh air. She's come back to talk about a couple of things, including her newest release, which is a combo volume of two previous releases - For the Heart of Phillip, and The Refugees. Plus her newest venture, coming soon. We stopped at QT and got some huge drinks, so while we sip at those, SL, why don't you go ahead and start.

Good morning, Jules, readers.

Why don't  you make your book announcement first?

Announcing...Broken Promises...(For the Heart of Phillip and Refugees combined into one book)! 

For those that want one long, continuous story of how these four men's lives are changed through the heartache, the triumphs, the lust, the love, and finally....the happiness.

Coming Sat, July 30th to Smashwords, All Romance Ebooks and Amazon! (also on Lulu for those who want a really big paperback)!

Blurb: (For the Heart of Phillip)  Phillip Marnier; a sweet, loving, wonderful boy who knew he was gay from the age of 13. He was also very shy, until he met Andrew, a similarly shy boy at school. As they grew older, the feelings deepened and surfaced. Andrew had fallen for Phillip!

However, all was not well. Phillip had found another, Robert. Devastated, Andrew dismissed the friendship and stays away. The couple stays together until college, even talking about marriage! Then, who shows up? Andrew! He has forgiven Phillip and wants him back in his life. Then fate intervenes on one stormy night and shakes up everything! Suddenly Robert is out of his life, Andrew is in!

Andrew and Robert are locked in combat for the heart of the one they love more than anything, but only one can win. 

Who will win the heart of Phillip?

Blurb: (The Refugees) Sequel to “For the Heart of Phillip”. This tale picks up where the other left off; except following the two men who were left behind with broken hearts, Robert and David.
Robert, who lost his battle for the heart of Phillip, and David, who lost out on his chance with Andrew.
Can they bond together over their shared pain and heartbreak or will the ‘old feelings’ come back to haunt them again after a crisis happens with one of their exes?
Buckle up for a dramatic ride in these two men’s lives who go from strangers to friends to lovers to who –knows-what!

So now, SL, you've combined these two books into one volume you're calling Broken Promises. Care to show us the new cover? 

Now tell us about your new venture!

Also... eagerly awaiting the formation of my new company Romance First Publishing; slated to start in September or October of this year (pending govt. approval). It's astounding to me how many forms it takes to start a simple business! I have to go through the local govt, state govt, and even federal! I have to get a tax id#, state sales tax permission, register the name, have our house inspected, and of course...actually find the time to do this! 

School has invaded much of my time; still on course to finish in April, 2012. Hubby wants me to hold on new biz until then; but I feel the iron is hot and with our country going down the proverbial tubes financially; I feel they'll make it even harder for anyone to form a biz. So... do it now!

In other news...and very stoked about it is the finishing of my 2nd book with very good bud Julie Hayes! (your gracious blog hostess)! "Leaving His Mark" has finished the 1st hurdle at just over 68K words and we are already entrenched in part #2! It's a sweet tale of two Georgia teen boys who seem to rebuff each other at first, but finally get under all the layers and they find some semblance of happiness. Of course...there's always something and several someones in the way of that...

We're submitting it soon so cross your fingers!

And there you have it, readers! Well, you certainly do keep busy, don't you SL? Not that that's a bad thing, mind you, it certainly isn't. Looking forward to getting a copy of Broken Promises myself.

Thanks for joining me here today, why don't we walk over to the giant eyeball sculpture and eyeball it?  Do you have any burning questions for SL? Comments? Say hello to her - she doesn't bite!  We'd love to hear from you!

Until next time, take care!

♥ Julie


  1. Thanks for hosting me today, Jules!! That soda was very refreshing on a hot day like today...

  2. You can't go wrong with a QT fountain drink! I love the white tea myself!
