
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday, Interview and Chat

I'm doing something new today. New to me, that is, not new to a lot of the other participants. It's called Six Sentence Sundays. It's where a number of writes post six sentences from an upcoming release or WIP, to give you a taste of what's coming. So I'm posting six sentences from a WIP of mine which will be released on the fourth Friday in June, the 24th to be exactly. It's from the second chapter of my Forbidden series. (The cover is from the first one, as I don't have the second yet). Forbidden is set in the future, 2056 AD, and things have changed a little bit. Priests are allowed to marry, but homosexuality is not allowed. Although Jerico James is not one to follow the rules.

In other news, my friend Sui Lynn was interviewed by Top2Bottom Reviews - you can read that here. Be sure to stop by and say hello, leave her a comment. Finally, at noon EST, you'll be able to find us on Beth Wylde's Yahoo group here. We'll be talking about our writing, including a joint writing project we recently started, and we'll be running contests and giving away prizes. Come by and see us!

Okay, so here you go - my first Six Sentence Sunday. This is a scene between Jerico and Father Sergio.  I hope you enjoy!

“So, when are you going to handcuff me?” he asked.

“Handcuff you?” Sergio laughed again. “Why would I even think about handcuffing you?”

“Well, I could give you the fun reason, or the practical reason.” Jerico smirked. “Since we’re in a moving vehicle, the fun reason doesn’t really apply, does it, so let’s go with the practical reason. Because I’m your prisoner?”

“Prisoner? I wouldn’t necessarily use that word.”

Here is the complete list of participating authors, be sure and visit them. Six Sentence Sunday

Thanks for stopping by, have a great Sunday!


  1. Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for stopping by, Carolyn!

  2. Very intriguing six. Go on, Jericho, seduce Father Sergio, lol!

  3. Hi Gayle! Don't worry, he fully intends to try! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Interesting! Welcome to Six Sunday, Julie. :)

  5. Welcome to SSS. Interesting snippet. Leaves a lot to the imagination

  6. Don't you love it? Hope it makes people want to read more! Thanks for stopping by, M&M!
