
Monday, May 23, 2011

Behind my new series, Forbidden

I have a new series releasing with Wicked Nights on Friday, May 27th. This will be my second with them, and will also release on a monthly basis, fourth Friday of the month. This series is a little different for me in that it's a sci fi/futuristic drama, which takes place in 2056 AD. Life as we know it has changed a little bit.

Blurb:   The year is 2056 AD. The place—the Alliance of States, once the United States of America. The country is struggling to come back after the Armageddon which took place in the year 2032, under the leadership of President Alistair Boothe. Life is hard but not impossible. The church and the state have been closely woven together, for the good of the people. Infant mortality has risen, the birth rate has declined. Recognizing the futility of imposing celibracy, the church now allows its priests to marry women. Homosexuality is still forbidden, and pedophilia is punishable by death.

Jerico James is handsome, spoiled and willful—a rich boy with too much time on his hands. When he steps out of line once too often, he finds himself sent to one of the nation’s help centers to serve his community service, under the guidance of its director, Father Sergio de Basco. The moment he sees Sergio, Jerico is struck by the priest’s beauty—and determined to have him, no matter what the cost.

Here is the cover for the first volume, Sanctum:  

I am hard at work on volume 2, even as we speak. But I'd like to talk a little about this and give you a feel for the characters.  First, I'd like to show you the inspiration for my two main characters:

Father Sergio  de Basco

Jerico James   

As the story begins, it is 2056 AD and the United States is now the Alliance of States, after the addition of Canada. The people are still recovering from the Armageddon of 2032. Some things have changed, people are just trying to survive.

Jerico James is rich and spoiled, a 30 year old playboy with no real purpose other than having fun. His father is a close friend and advisor of President Alistair Boothe. But Jerico learns the hard way that he can't get away with everything. At least he isn't being put into prison - the stories that came out of the prisons are frightening. Instead, he is to do community service at the National Help Center known as Sanctum, under the 
directorship of Father Sergio de Basco. Jerico leaves behind his pregnant twin sister, Jerusha. She is the only person he truly cares about.

When he sees Sergio, it's lust at first sight. Due to a declining birth rate, and due to the scandals which tore apart the Church in the 20th and 21st centuries, the Church has reversed its stance on priest celibacy and now allows them to marry - women. Homosexuality is still forbidden, and pedophilia is a capital offense.

Will Jerico disrupt the even tenor of Father Sergio's life at Sanctum? Will Sergio be able to tame the wild child? And what will they do about their attraction to and feelings for one another?

Read Forbidden 1: Sanctum - the journey begins on Friday!

As I said, this is different for me, as it's a bit of sci fi and it's futuristic and there are no paranormal elements to it - no vampires, werewolves, or anything of the sort. Just people, trying to live their lives.

Do you find this interesting? What would you like to see happen? I'd love to hear from you!  I'll be posting the winner of my Captivations contest a little later - stay tuned!


  1. I looked at the pictures first and, based on the story title, I thought I knew what the basic story would be. I was glad to see that it was different. Obviously, I would like to see the characters ultimately find love and acceptance. I think my one concern is that the story could tend toward being preachy. It's such a clever idea that I hope that doesn't happen.

  2. I'm glad that I wasn't predictable, Jen, I like stretching things a bit, you know?

    I don't anticipate it being preachy. Ultimately, I think it's about survival, and doing what it takes to make sure everyone gets by. And of course love. I hope you enjoy it, Jen!
